I Wanna Marry "Harry"
is a reality television show that premiered on May 20, 2014, on Fox. The series has a premise similar to Joe Millionaire, and follows twelve American women who are led to believe that they are competing for the affections of Prince Harry. However, in reality the bachelor is Matthew Hicks, a Prince Harry look-alike.
The contestants are not explicitly told that the bachelor is Prince Harry; they are merely led to make that inference on their own by Hicks' close resemblance, the royal setting of Englefield House, the lavish dates, and being surrounded by real professional servants and a security detail that really does have experience protecting heads of state. Hicks is referred to in the contestants' presence only as "Sir". Contestant Andrea Fox, in an interview on the Kidd Kraddick in the Morning radio show, said that prior to filming the contestants were told they were going to be on a TV show called "Dream Date" and that it was more about "the experience for the girls" instead of "finding love", and that people with the show kept saying "Don't compare it to The Bachelor".
Orange is the New Black Season 2 premiere dominates the internet
Have friends who subscribe to Netflix? Don't expect to see much of them this weekend — unless you're down to join in on some serious binge watching.
After months of anticipation among fans, the on-demand streaming service finally released Season 2 of its hit series Orange is the New Black in its entirety early Friday morning.
The prison-based U.S. drama, created by author Jenji Kohan, has been a hit among fans and critics alike since its premiere in July 2013. It's so popular that the amount of online chatter it generated before this week's launch is well ahead of the amount that the Emmy Award-winning House Of Cards had generated at the same juncture.
According to Variety, Orange is the New Black has more than twice as many Facebook fans and Twitter followers (14 million strong) as House of Cards. Activity on both social networks ahead of today's release reflects this well.
#OINTBSeason2 was trending on Twitter in Canada for much of Friday, and on Facebook "Orange is the New Black" continues to be the second-most talked-about subject in the country.
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