Wednesday 7 May 2014

#Stop Judging #T Shirt #dntstore

1 Every time that you see something to insult about, think whether the person will be offended by the insult. If not, give them constructive criticism gently. If yes, say nothing at all.
When a person walks by you, don't judge them stereotypically. Remember the old cliche, "Don't judge a book by its cover." see more below 

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Stop Judging T Shirt

3 Bet a friend money that you can stop criticizing people for two weeks.Alternatively, offer to pay your friend a dime every time he catches you criticizing.

4 If you are about to say something mean and insulting, wait ten seconds, think of being nice, and give that person a nice comment about his/her clothes, shoes, etc.
5 Offer to help the person. This may encourage you to see the good in them and not the bad.
6 If all else fails, try not to judge the next person.
Before you judge, think about how you feel when you know you are being judged. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

8 If you really can't stop, go see a therapist.

Tags: StopJudgingMonicaLewinskyT ShirtsCotton T ShirtsTeesDNTStoreShoppingLoveLove itCotton Tees,

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